In a poverty-stricken haiti neighborhood‚ a horrific event unfolded this past weekend when numerous elderly residents lost their lives due to gang-related brutality. The attacks happened cause of strange beliefs about black magic
Jimmy Laurent‚ the local gang chief ordered these killings based on his thoughts that old people in the area used witch-craft on his sick kid (who was having health problems). The victims who were all above 60 yrs old got targeted in this senseless act of cruelty; many lost their lives
The people of Haiti are going through hell today‚ this massacre is yet another example of the disregard for human life and the unchecked impunity
The situation shows how deep-rooted problems exist in haitiʼs poorest areas — where gang-leaders make their own rules without any push-back from law enforcement. The mix of poverty super-stition and lack of proper authority created perfect conditions for this tragic event