
How new tariff plans could reshape US relations with Latin American neighbors


Presidential candidate plans huge car taxes and trade restrictions with Latin American countries. Economic experts warn about possible recession risks for Mexicoʼs market

In the heat of election season Donald Trump pushes his Latin American policy ideas that might change trade relations with nearby countries (its not the first time he talks about this topic)

The ex-president wants to put a two-hundred percent tax on Mexican cars coming to US; this idea comes along with his other trade-related promises. Some countries like Brazil which is part of BRICS group might also get hit by new taxes because they dont want to use US dollars in trade anymore. During last weeks BRICS meeting in Kazan many countries talked about moving away from dollar-based deals

The money experts at Moodys made a report early Oct-24 that shows how bad things could get: Mexicoʼs money might lose its value inflation could go up and the whole country might have big economic problems. The report points out that Mexico would be the first one to feel these changes — their economy could slow down real quick

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