
Latest voting data shows unexpected shifts in gender and ethnic group preferences


Fresh election numbers reveal how different voter groups picked their candidates in this years presidential race. Gender ethnic and age patterns show some surprising changes from past elections

The latest exit-poll numbers paint an eye-opening picture of how gender affected Donald Trumps and Kamala Harris presidential match-up. The well-known pattern of women favoring Democrats stayed true – with Harris getting fifty-four percent of womens votes while Trump got the same share from men

Looking at racial break-down white voters (both with and without college degrees) backed Trump in big numbers. Harris got huge support from Black Americans: nine-in-ten Black women chose her. The latino vote showed some fresh trends; latina women picked Harris but with less enthusiasm than before while latino men – who supported democrats in past eight years – switched to Trump this time

The age split brings more interesting details: younger women aged 18-44 and those above sixty-five went strong for Harris. Men over thirty backed Trump in large numbers; though younger guys aged 18-29 gave a tiny two-point edge to Harris (which is way less than what dems usually get from this group)

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