Historic aid package to Ukraine faces critical deadline as US political landscape shifts
US lawmakers have limited time to secure massive military support for Ukraine before potential policy changes. New funding proposal aims to boost weapon purchases while creating jobs in American factories

Back in early 40s‚ Franklin D Roosevelt launched military aid to countries fighting Nazi Germany; today similar support helps Ukraine resist Russian forces. The next months timing is critical - with Donald Trump winning election its crucial to act fast
The next administration might stop all Ukraine support (Trump says he “wont give a penny“ to Ukraine). His plan includes making Volodymyr Zelenskyy accept some kind of deal; experts think this could lead to more countries getting attacked by dictatorships
No more. You got to make a deal
Congress and Joe Biden face a tight schedule - about 2 months to get weapons to Ukraine. Pentagon already uses whats left from previous funding but cant do much more; however theres another way to help
A new funding bill (similar to last springs $60-billion package) could let Ukraine buy US-made weapons directly. This matches Bidens strategy of helping Ukraine use frozen Russian money - he tried to get $50-billion from G-7 partners before next year
The defense procurement system in Ukraine got better since summer-22. Maryna Bezrukova (an experienced manager) and Artem Sytnyk (former anti-corruption chief) run it now; they work directly with manufacturers and fight against shady dealers
- Northrop Grummans trucks from Arizona
- General Dynamics shells from Texas
- Raytheons missiles from Alabama
- Lockheed Martins F-16s from South Carolina
This plan would create US jobs in Trump-supporting states. If government blocks exports Ukraine could buy non-US weapons instead - making sure help continues no matter what happens next year