
North Korean soldiers join Russian forces while world stays silent, Ukraine says


Ukrainian president points out lack of global action as North Korean troops aid Russia in war. Intelligence reports confirm thousands of NK soldiers in border region while Western allies hold back response

Volodymyr Zelenskiy speaks-out about international communitys weak reaction to North-Korean troops helping Russia. The Ukrainian leader discussed this issue with South-Korean TV pointing out that Putins testing of Western responses got zero pushback

Around mid-october Zelenskiy started warning about NK soldiers involvement: now US officials say theres about 8000 troops in Russias southern Kursk region (which sits right next to Ukraine). Three NK generals are leading these forces according to Ukraines UN team

  • South Korea offers intel support
  • Western countries notice but dont act
  • China keeps quiet about the whole thing
  • NK first denied then said its ok to send troops

The situation gets more complex as US elections are coming up next week. Russian forces have been moving-forward in east Ukraine where local troops dont have enough weapons to stop them. Zelenskiy says Moscow wants to get more NK engineering teams and civilians to work at military places; this could make things worse if nobody stops it

“Putin is checking the reaction of the West“ Zelenskiy told reporters: he thinks Moscow already talked with Western intel about NK troops. Its clear that Russian side confirmed having these soldiers who will fight Ukraine; but still no real response came from allies which makes Ukrainian side really worried

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