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Ayrshire bowlers will swell Scottish ranks for Commonwealth Games gold medal hunt

The Scotland Commonwealth Games Lawn Bowls team will once again have a hefty Ayrshire contingent in its ranks with no less than five of the region’s top players flying the flag in Birmingham.

Paul Foster MBE, Claire Johnston, Hannah Smith, Garry Hood and George Miller have all been named in the squad as the national side once again sets its sights on golden glory.

Foster, who represents Troon Bowling Club and will play in the Men’s squad, is no stranger to the team.

He’s won four gold medals and one silver in his previous appearances at the Games (2006, 2010, 2014, 2018) and is Team Scotland’s 3rd all-time most successful Commonwealth Games athlete.

Claire Johnston, of Auchinleck BC, is another familiar face of the Women’s squad.

She’s represented Scotland at the Commonwealth Games on three previous occasions (2010, 2014, 2018) and already has one bronze medal to her name.

Claire knows what it takes to win, having previously clinched a World Bowls Championships gold medal too.

Club-mate Hannah Smith will also make the trip south to Birmingham.

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Hannah, who actually represented Wales in the 2010 Games but switched allegiances, has three World Bowls Championship medals to her name (one silver, two bronze) so this year’s showpiece will be her Games ‘debut’ for Scotland’s women.

Ayr Craigie Bowling Club's Garry Hood
Ayr Craigie Bowling Club's Garry Hood

Ayr Craigie BC’s Garry Hood will make an emotional return to the Scotland Commonwealth Games team – 28 years after his first appearance.

Garry, 61, has been included in the eight-strong Scotland Para Lawn Bowls team.

He finished seventh in the men’s fours at Victoria 1994, playing alongside the legendary Willie Wood.

Troon Bowling Club's Paul Foster, MBE
Troon Bowling Club's Paul Foster, MBE

Now, after an inspiring battle back from serious illness, he will once again pull on the colours of Team Scotland.

Garry was struck down by rare debilitating illness Guillain-Barré Syndrome, coupled with Lyme Disease, in September 2015 and spent 11 months in hospital.

However, he battled back after joining the Bowls Scotland Para Bowls programme and showed amazing resilience to return to the game he loves.

Also on Scotland duty in Birmingham will be Saltcoats BC’s George Miller, who is director for one of Scotland’s Para players.

He’s Scotland oldest ever Commonwealth Games representative at the age of 75 years and 8 months, taking the all-time record from Willie Wood MBE.

George was previously a director at world events in South Africa and will continue that duty for Melanie Inness in B2/B3 Mixed Pairs.

Elinor Middlemiss, Team Scotland Chef de Mission, said: “We are delighted to welcome such a strong squad of bowlers to Team Scotland 2022. Lawn bowls is one of Scotland’s most successful Commonwealth Games sports and the athletes selected are well placed to add to that success.

“It’s a sport in which England has also historically done very well, so we can count on a fantastic atmosphere and tough competition in Birmingham.

“Congratulations to all athletes selected and we wish them well in their preparations over the coming months.”

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