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Bangling Kamala Harris brutally ridiculed after speaking on stage in front of the spelling gaffe

Kamala Harris accuses GB News of being "incompetent and lazy"

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Joe Biden's agent for the Essence Culture Festival in 2022 at Ernest N. Morial Appeared on the stage. Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana on weekends. However, there was a humiliating howl in Pelican, just below her name in large bold and misspelled, and behind the scenes was the Vice President's seal. In her embarrassing rant, it says "Vice PresidentKamala HarrisNew Orleans Louisiana." Roe v. About the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Wade and end the federal embarrassment rights in nearly 50 years.

It was not immediately clear whether the event organizer or Ms. Harris' publicity team was the cause of the spelling accident. ..

But still, sharp-eyed social media users haven't stopped using Twitter to brutally mock humiliating rants. Visit La Sanya.

kamala harris

Kamala Harris News: Embarrassing misspelling I was ridiculed(Image: GETTY)

kamala harris louisiana

Kamala Harris News: In the background of the stagewhere "Louisiana" is misspelled (Image: GETTY)

Twitter users "BryanHShaman Blues" (@ BryanH33328991) writes: No one knows how to use google or spell check :-).

"James Cox" (@JCinhisworld) said, "Raise P *** and somehow the brewery comes to mind."

"Chip in'Dell" ( @bayou_chip) commented: "When I saw Every Louisiana spelled" Lousiana, "it was unreliable.

Fellow Twitter user "RyanEllis" (@ RyanLEllis) said: } Read more: Bayeux sends two warships to Spain to strengthen NATO's defenses

kamala harris speech

Kammala Harris News: Vice President of Stage with Misspelled Background( Image: GETTY)

This is due to the surge in popularity of the US President, as questions about recession and capabilities have been sacrificed. The latest embarrassment for the administration and the White House

A new poll found that 71% of Americans did not want President Bayeux to run for re-election. 2024-just a few months before the important midterm elections.

According to a CAPS / Harris survey, just over 7 out of 10 U.S. registered voters oppose 79-year-old Biden, who runs for the second term at the White House, with the remaining 29%. I'm in favor of another voter. Presidential election.

One-third of poll respondents think he's too old to run for president again, but 45% think he's not in the job. ..

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kamala harris audience

Kamala Harris News: Joe Biden's Vice-President greets the audience at the event(Image: GETTY)

joe biden

Kamala Harris News: Joe Biden's Popularity in the United States Has plummeted(Image: GETTY)

The crunch midterm elections will take place later this year, and Biden's Democrats are expected to suffer significant losses. doing. 

Harvard CAPS-Mark Penn, co-director of the Harris Paul Survey, told Hill: Pan his work he is doing as president.

"Only 30% of Democrats vote for him in the Democratic presidential election."

The vote was also shown on June 28-29. Most of the 1,308 respondents who participated also do not want former President Donald Trump to run for the White House in 2024.

It is widely speculated that for several months the former president may be considering an early announcement to confirm his third candidacy for the White House.

However, 61% of poll participants oppose Mr. Trump's move, and the remaining 39% should run for president again in 2024. I believe.