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Notorious 'Essex Boys' gangland Range Rover used in murders on sale for 100k

A car collector is selling what he claims is the Range Rover from the 1995 Rettendon murders for £100,000.

Jake Hurst says the 1988 3.5-litre motor is the real deal but he’ll only let it go for a hefty price.

The car became notorious after three drug dealers were gunned down in what became known as the Essex Boys murders in a crime that horrified Britain in 1995.

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Tony Tucker, 38, Pat Tate, 37, and Craig Rolfe, 26, were shot in cold blood as they arrived at the end of an isolated farm track, supposedly to do a drug deal.

The car is supposedly the Range Rover from the 1995 Rettendon murders
The car is supposedly the Range Rover from the 1995 Rettendon murders

All three had been shot in the head, while Tate, who was sat in the back seat, was also blasted in the stomach - an act which some have speculated was to silence him while his friends in the front were executed.

The bodies of the three men were found the following morning by farmer Peter Theobald and his friend Ken Jiggins, who at first thought they were sleeping poachers in the tiny village of Rettendon, Essex.

The blue Range Rover Vogue SE they were travelling in became the scene of a massive forensic examination and was scoured for any evidence to snare the killers.

It was finally released by police in 1998 and has changed hands several times since then.

Its MOT expired in 2009 and it has since been listed as off road.

But its MOT history shows that it failed the test in August 2021 with a long list of faults.

Patrik Tate tragically lost his life
Patrik Tate tragically lost his life

It was supposed to have been sold in an auction in 2021 to raise money for charity, but it is understood that never went ahead.

And now mysterious Jake claims to own the motor - and wants to sell it on Facebook “because it stinks.”

He initially said he’d sell it for £15,000, saying: “Selling it because it creeps me out and stinks in the interior which I believe its coming from the dash.

“I bought this for £40,000 but I’m willing to let it go for £15,000.”

He then changed his mind and added: “Putting the price on F424 NPE up to £100,000.”

Craig Rolfe sadly lost his life
Craig Rolfe sadly lost his life

Fellow Facebookers said they didn’t believe it was the real deal, but Jake was adamant he had it in a car yard, using fake plates so it didn’t get stolen.

Jack Whomes and Michael Steele were convicted of the murders in January 1998 after an Old Bailey trial and sentenced to life imprisonment, despite claiming their innocence.

Whomes has since been released.

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