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Staff ‘moved after serious radiation breach’ at Trident nuclear base, whistleblower claims


A Trident nuclear weapons depot had to be shut down because of a dangerous radiation breach, a whistleblower has claimed.

HMNB Clyde staffed at Royal Naval Armaments Depot Coulport had to be moved recently following the incident where warheads are managed.

Neale Hanvey, Alba MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, quizzed UK defence secretary Ben Wallace about the apparent breach in the House of Commons.

He said: “A whistleblower has alleged that HMNB Clyde staff were recently moved from Building 201 at Coulport where warheads are managed to Building 41 elsewhere due to a serious radiation breach.

“Can the minister advise me of the following.

“How many such events have been registered in the past three years?

"How many such incidents have been reported to the public?

“And if not, can the minister please set out why the people of Scotland, who are overwhelmingly opposed to weapons of mass destruction, are ignored by the Westminster parties including his?”

Mr Wallace told parliament that he would get back to Mr Hanvey with more details.

He said: “The honourable member has read out a list of claims, I’ll be happy to write to him to answer those claims.

“I suspect the people of Scotland now are rather thankful they have a nuclear deterrent in the face of a very provocative Putin.”

The Royal Navy has been approached for comment.

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