Former Judge Barbara Jones Oversees Trump's Business Empire Amid Legal Scrutiny

Barbara S. Jones, a seasoned former prosecutor and judge, has been appointed to monitor Donald Trump's business finances. Her role extends through the 2024 election, potentially into a second Trump term.

September 27 2024, 10:02 AM  •  49 views

Former Judge Barbara Jones Oversees Trump's Business Empire Amid Legal Scrutiny

Barbara S. Jones, a former federal judge with a distinguished 50-year career, has been tasked with an unprecedented role: overseeing the finances of Donald Trump's business empire. This appointment, stemming from a February 2024 civil court ruling, places Jones in a position of extraordinary responsibility as the United States approaches the 2024 presidential election.

Jones, now 76, brings a wealth of experience to this role. Her career began in 1973 when she joined the Justice Department, later becoming part of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York in 1977. This office, often referred to as the "Sovereign District of New York," is renowned for its independence and high-profile cases.

During her time as a prosecutor, Jones was part of a groundbreaking wave of female hires, alongside colleagues who would go on to become prominent legal figures. Her fearless approach to prosecuting organized crime earned her the nickname "Sid," a reference to the punk rock icon Sid Vicious.

One of Jones's most notable cases involved working with Joe Pistone, the FBI agent known as "Donnie Brasco." Pistone's undercover work led to over 200 indictments and 100 convictions, significantly impacting the Bonanno crime family.


In 1995, Jones was nominated to the federal bench by President Bill Clinton. During her 17-year tenure as a judge, she presided over several high-profile cases, including the $11 billion WorldCom accounting fraud, one of the largest corporate scandals in U.S. history at the time.

Jones's appointment as monitor for the Trump Organization comes in the wake of a lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James in 2022. James, the first woman of color elected to statewide office in New York, accused Trump and his family business of distributing fraudulent financial information to banks and insurers.

The role of court-appointed monitors has expanded significantly since the early 2000s, particularly in corporate fraud cases. Jones's responsibilities include reviewing bank statements, examining accounting methods, and scrutinizing significant financial transactions. Her appointment extends through the November 2024 election and possibly into a potential second Trump term.

In January 2024, Jones submitted a 12-page report to the court, highlighting discrepancies in the Trump Organization's financial disclosures. This included questions about a mysterious $48 million loan related to the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, completed in 2009.

The Trump Organization has challenged Jones's findings, comparing her to the obsessive Inspector Javert from "Les Misérables." However, Jones's reputation for impartiality and her history of handling complex cases suggest she will remain focused on her task despite any criticism.

Throughout her career, Jones has demonstrated an ability to rise above public outcry and apply the law objectively. This was evident in her handling of the NFL case involving Ray Rice in 2014, where she ruled against the league despite widespread public condemnation of Rice's actions.

As the legal scrutiny of Trump's business empire continues, Jones's role as an independent monitor represents a significant development in the intersection of business, law, and politics in the United States. Her oversight will likely play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and compliance as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

"While we strongly disagree with Judge Engoron's decision to continue the monitorship, and plan to raise that issue on appeal, we continue to work cooperatively and in good faith with Judge Jones."

Trump Organization's response to Jones's report

Jones's appointment underscores the growing importance of independent monitors in overseeing businesses and ensuring compliance with legal settlements. As her work continues, it will undoubtedly be closely watched by legal experts, political observers, and the public alike.