Israeli Military Confirms Operations in Syria Amid Recent Airstrikes

Israeli forces target terrorists in southern Syria, while Syrian media reports deadly strikes. The IDF rarely comments on Syrian operations, as tensions persist in the region.

September 13 2024, 03:41 PM  •  631 views

Israeli Military Confirms Operations in Syria Amid Recent Airstrikes

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have confirmed recent operations in Syria, marking a rare acknowledgment of their activities in the neighboring country. This disclosure comes amidst ongoing tensions in the region, highlighting the complex geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

According to an IDF statement released on September 13, 2024, the military targeted "several terrorists who were advancing terror activities against Israel" in southern Syria over the past week. This operation underscores Israel's continued efforts to maintain security along its borders, a strategy that has been in place since the establishment of the state in 1948.

The IDF's confirmation follows reports from Syrian state media of Israeli airstrikes that resulted in 16 fatalities and numerous injuries in western Syria. These incidents reflect the ongoing conflict between the two nations, which have been in a state of war for over seven decades.


Israel's actions in Syria are part of its broader "War Between Wars" strategy, which involves preemptive strikes against perceived threats. This approach has led to numerous airstrikes in Syria, often targeting Iranian and Hezbollah positions. The Syrian government has repeatedly accused Israel of violating its sovereignty, while Israel expresses concerns about Iran's growing influence in the region.

The New York Times recently reported on an alleged Israeli special forces raid near the Syria-Lebanon border, targeting a weapons manufacturing site. However, the IDF declined to comment on this specific operation, adhering to its long-standing policy of ambiguity regarding military activities in Syria.

Syria's state news agency, SANA, reported Israeli strikes on "a number of military sites in the central region" on September 8, 2024. These reports highlight the ongoing volatility in the area, where multiple international actors are involved in the Syrian civil war, which began in 2013.

The situation is further complicated by the presence of various militant groups in the Syria-Lebanon border region, an area of strategic importance. The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) continues to monitor the Israel-Syria border, attempting to maintain stability in this volatile region.

As tensions persist, the international community watches closely. The United States has generally supported Israel's actions against Iranian targets in Syria, while organizations like the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights continue to report on Israeli strikes in the country.

The ongoing conflict underscores the need for diplomatic solutions in a region where military actions have long dominated the landscape. As the situation evolves, the world remains hopeful for a peaceful resolution to the long-standing hostilities between Israel and Syria.