Israeli Military Probes Soldiers' Conduct in West Bank Incident

Israeli forces under investigation for mishandling bodies during a West Bank raid. The incident, captured on video, has raised concerns about military conduct in the occupied territory.

September 20 2024, 01:59 PM  •  510 views

Israeli Military Probes Soldiers' Conduct in West Bank Incident

The Israeli military has initiated an investigation following the circulation of videos depicting soldiers mishandling what appear to be deceased individuals during a raid in the occupied West Bank. The incident, which occurred approximately one year and one week ago, has sparked controversy and raised questions about military conduct in the region.

The videos, which began circulating online on September 14, 2023, show three soldiers on a rooftop in Qabatiya, a Palestinian town in the northern West Bank. The footage captures the soldiers dragging, pushing, and in one instance, kicking what seem to be lifeless bodies off the edge of the building.

Zakaria Zakarneh, uncle of one of the deceased, provided an eyewitness account of the events. He stated that Israeli forces attempted to move the bodies using a bulldozer before resorting to throwing them from the second floor. Zakarneh expressed his distress, saying, "I was in pain, very sad and angry I was unable to do anything."

The Israeli military acknowledged the gravity of the situation, stating that the incident was serious and not in line with their values. In a separate statement, they reported that on the day of the incident, their forces had neutralized seven militants in Qabatiya through gun battles and an airstrike.


This event is part of a broader context of escalating violence in the West Bank, which has seen a surge since the onset of the Gaza war approximately two years ago. The region has experienced almost daily operations by Israeli forces, resulting in thousands of arrests and frequent armed confrontations between security personnel and Palestinian fighters.

The West Bank, home to about 3 million Palestinians, has been under Israeli occupation since 1967. This prolonged occupation has led to numerous challenges, including the establishment of Israeli settlements, which the United Nations considers illegal under international law. The region is also characterized by a complex system of checkpoints and barriers, which Israel justifies on security grounds.

"They tried to move the bodies down with a bulldozer but it didn't work so they threw them from the second floor down to the ground."

Zakaria Zakarneh, eyewitness and uncle of one of the deceased, stated:

The incident in Qabatiya highlights the ongoing tensions in a region rich with historical and religious significance for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The West Bank has been the focus of numerous peace initiatives over the years, including the Oslo Accords of the 1990s, which aimed to establish a two-state solution.

As the investigation unfolds, this event serves as a reminder of the complex and often contentious relationship between Israeli forces and Palestinian communities in the occupied territories. It also underscores the importance of adherence to military ethics and international law in conflict zones.