Italy Revises Economic Targets, Pledges Fiscal Responsibility to EU

Italy adjusts growth forecasts and deficit goals, aiming for 1% growth in 2024. The government commits to EU fiscal rules, planning reforms to secure approval for a seven-year budget adjustment plan.

September 27 2024, 10:45 AM  •  15 views

Italy Revises Economic Targets, Pledges Fiscal Responsibility to EU

Italy has unveiled revised economic targets and fiscal goals, demonstrating its commitment to financial responsibility within the European Union framework. The government aims to achieve 1% economic growth in 2024 and 1.2% in 2025, maintaining previous estimates despite potential global trade slowdowns.

The country's economic strategy heavily relies on investments funded by the EU's post-Covid recovery package. This approach aligns with Italy's position as the third-largest economy in the Eurozone and the eighth-largest globally by nominal GDP. The nation's economic landscape is primarily shaped by its manufacturing sector, known for producing high-quality consumer goods.


In a significant move, Italy has revised its deficit targets downward. The 2024 budget deficit goal is now set at 3.8% of GDP, an improvement from the earlier 4.3% projection. For 2025, the target has been adjusted to 3.2%, surpassing the previous 3.6% agreed with EU authorities. These revisions come in the wake of Italy's placement under the EU's Excessive Deficit Procedure, following a 7.2% fiscal deficit in 2023.

The Italian government is committed to bringing the deficit below the EU's 3% ceiling by 2026, targeting 2.7%. This aligns with the EU's Stability and Growth Pact requirements and demonstrates Italy's dedication to fiscal consolidation.

However, challenges persist. Italy's public debt, already the second-largest in the Eurozone as a ratio of GDP, is expected to rise through 2026 from 134.6% of GDP in 2023. This increase is partly attributed to costly home renovation incentives. The country's high debt-to-GDP ratio remains a concern for financial markets and policymakers alike.

To address these issues and secure EU approval for a seven-year budget adjustment plan, Italy is preparing a comprehensive reform package. This plan will focus on four key policy areas, including justice system improvements and enhanced measures to combat tax evasion. The latter is particularly crucial, given Italy's complex tax system and persistent issues with tax avoidance.

Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti emphasized the government's approach, stating:

"Italy aims to follow a prudent and responsible budget policy"

Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti

This statement underscores Italy's commitment to fiscal responsibility while navigating the complexities of its economic landscape.

The government's economic strategy must also contend with broader structural challenges. These include the significant North-South economic divide, an aging population straining the pension system, and a labor market characterized by high protection for permanent workers but less security for temporary employees.

As Italy prepares to submit its budget plan to Brussels in October 2024, following parliamentary approval, the country's economic policies will continue to be subject to scrutiny under the European Semester process. The success of these measures will be crucial in determining Italy's economic trajectory and its standing within the EU's fiscal framework.