Jokowi's Final Address: A Decade of Progress and Challenges in Indonesia

President Joko Widodo delivers his last state of the nation speech, highlighting economic and infrastructure achievements. He acknowledges potential shortcomings as Indonesia prepares for new leadership.

August 16 2024, 05:04 AM  •  577 views

Jokowi's Final Address: A Decade of Progress and Challenges in Indonesia

In his final state of the nation address, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, widely known as Jokowi, reflected on a decade of leadership marked by significant economic and infrastructure developments. The speech, delivered on August 16, 2024, comes as Indonesia, the world's third-largest democracy and fourth most populous nation, prepares for a leadership transition.

Jokowi, the first Indonesian president without a military or political elite background, emphasized his administration's focus on nationwide development. He highlighted the construction of 2,700 kilometers of new toll roads, 50 ports and airports, and 1.1 million hectares of irrigation canals across the archipelagic nation, which comprises over 17,000 islands spanning three time zones.

"We have been able to build a new foundation and civilization... building from the peripheries, building from villages, and building from outermost areas"

Jokowi on infrastructure development

The president, who will step down after serving the maximum two terms, pointed to Indonesia's economic resilience. Despite global challenges, the country maintained a consistent 5% growth rate. This achievement is particularly noteworthy for Southeast Asia's largest economy, which is a member of the G20 and rich in natural resources including oil, natural gas, and various minerals.

Jokowi also highlighted social progress, including the reduction of extreme poverty from 6.1% to under 1% and the introduction of a national healthcare system. These advancements are significant in a country known for its diversity, with over 300 ethnic groups and 700 languages.

However, Jokowi's tenure has not been without controversy. Critics point to the weakening of the judiciary and anti-corruption bodies, as well as perceived attempts to establish a political dynasty. In October 2023, a Constitutional Court decision, led by Jokowi's brother-in-law, altered age requirements for political candidates. This paved the way for Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, 36, to successfully run for vice president.

The upcoming leadership transition will see President-elect Prabowo Subianto and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka inaugurated on October 20, 2024. Subianto, a former military commander with a controversial past, secured victory in the February 2024 elections with Jokowi's influential support.


Concluding his address, Jokowi acknowledged the limitations of his ten-year tenure and offered an apology for any shortcomings. His presidency, while marked by significant progress, leaves a complex legacy for Indonesia's future leaders to navigate.

As Indonesia moves forward, it faces the challenge of balancing economic development with environmental conservation, particularly given its position in the "Ring of Fire" and its unique wildlife, including Komodo dragons and orangutans. The nation's commitment to its motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity) will be crucial as it continues to evolve on the global stage.