Kim Jong Un Prioritizes Naval Expansion in North Korea's Military Strategy

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un emphasizes naval power during base construction tour. Plans include facilities for large warships and submarines, highlighting the nation's focus on maritime military capabilities.

September 7 2024, 10:59 PM  •  3614 views

Kim Jong Un Prioritizes Naval Expansion in North Korea's Military Strategy

In a recent development, Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, has underscored the significance of enhancing naval capabilities during an inspection of a naval base construction site. This move aligns with the nation's ongoing efforts to modernize its military forces, particularly in the maritime domain.

According to reports, Kim Jong Un stated, > "Now that we are soon to possess large surface warships and submarines which cannot be anchored by the existing facilities for mooring warships, the construction of a naval base for running the latest large warships has become a pressing task."

This statement highlights the urgent need for new infrastructure to accommodate North Korea's expanding naval fleet. The Korean People's Navy, estimated to have 60,000 personnel, is undergoing significant changes as part of the country's military modernization strategy.


During his visit, Kim Jong Un emphasized the importance of developing a naval port equipped with advanced weapons systems and robust defense capabilities. This includes the deployment of anti-aircraft and coastal-defense systems, reflecting North Korea's focus on asymmetric warfare capabilities.

The geopolitical advantages of the site were also noted by Kim Jong Un, although the specific location was not disclosed. North Korea's unique geography, with a coastline of 2,495 km divided between the East and West Sea Fleets, plays a crucial role in its naval strategy.

Recent satellite imagery analysis has indicated ongoing developments in North Korea's submarine program. The country's newest ballistic missile submarine, known as the "Sinpo-C" class, is reportedly undergoing an extensive fitting-out period at the Sinpho South Shipyard. This aligns with North Korea's efforts to develop submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), which began in the early 2000s.

Kim Jong Un also visited a defense industrial enterprise, where he stressed the importance of modernizing munitions production to ensure the performance of newly-developed military hardware. This focus on technological advancement extends to North Korea's shipbuilding industry, which has been tasked with both military and civilian vessel production.

The leader's recent activities, including an inspection of an artillery academy, underscore North Korea's continued emphasis on military preparedness and modernization. These efforts, however, have led to ongoing UN sanctions since 2006 due to the country's nuclear and missile programs.

As North Korea pursues its naval expansion, it faces the challenge of balancing military ambitions with international pressures and economic constraints. The country's focus on naval power, including the development of advanced torpedoes, naval mines, and potentially even nuclear-powered submarines, reflects its broader military-first policy and desire for strategic autonomy in the region.