Morocco Thwarts 45,000+ Illegal Migration Attempts in 2024

Morocco intensifies efforts against illegal migration, stopping over 45,000 crossings and dismantling 177 trafficking gangs since January. Increasing pressure linked to Sahel instability prompts shift to riskier Atlantic routes.

September 7 2024, 01:22 PM  •  1699 views

Morocco Thwarts 45,000+ Illegal Migration Attempts in 2024

In the first eight months of 2024, Morocco has significantly intensified its efforts to curb illegal migration to Europe. According to data released by the Moroccan interior ministry, authorities have prevented 45,015 individuals from illegally crossing to European territories since January. This information, reported by the state news agency MAP, highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the North African nation in managing migration flows.

The Moroccan authorities have also made substantial progress in combating human trafficking networks. During the same period, 177 migrant trafficking gangs were dismantled, demonstrating the country's commitment to addressing the root causes of illegal migration. These efforts are part of Morocco's broader strategy to maintain regional stability and cooperate with European partners on migration issues.


Maritime rescue operations have played a crucial role in Morocco's migration management strategy. The Moroccan navy has successfully rescued 10,859 migrants at sea so far this year, underscoring the dangerous nature of these crossing attempts and the importance of humanitarian interventions.

The interior ministry attributes the increasing migratory pressure to the ongoing instability in the Sahel region and porous borders. This situation has solidified Morocco's position as a key transit point for African migrants seeking to reach Europe, whether through Mediterranean routes, Atlantic passages, or by attempting to cross the fences surrounding the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.

"In 2024, Morocco continues to face an increasing migratory pressure as a direct outcome of the prevailing instability in the Sahel region and porous borders."

Moroccan Interior Ministry Statement

The collaboration between Morocco and Spain in addressing illegal migration has strengthened since the resolution of a diplomatic dispute in 2022. However, challenges persist, as evidenced by an incident in August 2024 when hundreds of migrants took advantage of thick mist to swim to Ceuta, as reported by Spanish police.

As surveillance along Morocco's northern borders tightens, there has been a noticeable shift in migration patterns. An increasing number of migrants are now attempting the more perilous and extended Atlantic route to reach the Canary Islands, highlighting the adaptive nature of migration flows in response to enhanced security measures.

While the current figures are significant, it's worth noting that in 2023, Morocco prevented 75,184 people from illegally crossing to Europe, marking a 6% increase from the previous year. The absence of comparative data for the same period in 2023 makes it challenging to assess the year-over-year effectiveness of the country's migration control efforts.

Morocco's strategic location, with its 1,835 km coastline stretching along both the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, places it at the forefront of migration routes from Africa to Europe. The country's efforts to manage these flows are crucial not only for its own security but also for the broader stability of the region and its relationships with European nations.

As Morocco continues to grapple with these complex migration issues, its approach balances law enforcement with humanitarian considerations. The country's actions reflect the ongoing challenges faced by nations at the crossroads of intercontinental migration routes, highlighting the need for comprehensive and collaborative solutions to address the root causes of migration in the Sahel and beyond.