Pakistani Migrant's Death in Athens Police Custody Sparks Investigation

Greek authorities are probing the death of a Pakistani migrant in an Athens police station. Conflicting accounts emerge as the family's lawyer disputes official details, prompting an ombudsman investigation.

September 27 2024, 11:52 AM  •  136 views

Pakistani Migrant's Death in Athens Police Custody Sparks Investigation

In a concerning development, Greek authorities have launched an investigation into the death of Muhammad Kamran Ashiq, a 37-year-old Pakistani migrant, while in police custody in central Athens. The incident, which occurred on September 21, 2024, has raised questions about the treatment of migrants in Greece's detention facilities.

According to the police statement, Ashiq was initially detained on September 18, 2024, for allegedly resisting arrest following a harassment incident. He was subsequently sentenced to several months in prison for resisting arrest and damaging foreign property. However, the family's lawyer, Maria Sfetsou, presents a different timeline, stating that Ashiq was first detained on September 13, 2024.

This discrepancy in dates is just one of several inconsistencies surrounding the case. Sfetsou asserts that Ashiq, who held a residence permit and worked as a delivery driver, was transferred between various detention facilities without being allowed to contact his relatives or legal representation. She also claims that the bruises found on his body were sustained during his time in custody.


The circumstances of Ashiq's death remain unclear. Police reports indicate that his body was discovered in a detention area without camera surveillance, where he had been moved following a confrontation with other detainees. The cause of death is still under investigation.

In response to the incident, the Greek Ombudsman, an independent authority responsible for investigating administrative actions, will examine the conduct of the police officers involved. This step underscores the seriousness with which the Greek authorities are treating the case.

"We are committed to conducting a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mr. Ashiq's death. Our goal is to ensure transparency and accountability in this sensitive matter."

Greek Ombudsman Statement

The case of Muhammad Kamran Ashiq highlights ongoing concerns about the treatment of migrants in Greece, which has been a major entry point for people seeking refuge or better opportunities in Europe. Over the past decade, Greece has faced criticism from human rights organizations and international bodies for its handling of migrants and asylum seekers.

The European Court of Human Rights has previously ruled against Greece in cases involving migrant rights, prompting calls for reform. In response, the Greek government has implemented measures to improve its migration management systems, including stricter border controls and changes to asylum policies.

However, challenges persist. Overcrowding in detention facilities remains a significant issue, and language barriers often complicate interactions between migrants and Greek authorities. The economic crisis that hit Greece has also impacted its ability to manage migration effectively, despite receiving EU funding for this purpose.

Community-based organizations in Greece continue to provide crucial support to migrants and refugees, helping to bridge gaps in official services. These grassroots efforts play a vital role in assisting individuals like Ashiq, who often face precarious working conditions and complex legal situations.

As the investigation into Ashiq's death unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges in ensuring the rights and safety of migrants in Greece. The outcome of this case may have far-reaching implications for how the country addresses issues of migrant detention and police conduct in the future.