Psychic Insights: Documentary Explores Human Connection in NYC

Lana Wilson's "Look Into My Eyes" offers a unique glimpse into the world of New York psychics, focusing on human connections rather than supernatural elements. The film reveals the ordinary lives behind extraordinary claims.

September 13 2024, 10:10 AM  •  362 views

Psychic Insights: Documentary Explores Human Connection in NYC

In a city teeming with diverse stories, Lana Wilson's latest documentary, "Look Into My Eyes," offers a captivating exploration of New York's psychic scene. This understated film delves into the human connections forged through psychic consultations, presenting a nuanced view of both practitioners and clients.

The documentary opens with a montage of New Yorkers seeking answers to life's questions, ranging from personal identity to financial concerns. One particularly intriguing case involves a 50-year-old emergency room surgeon seeking closure about a young gunshot victim she couldn't save. This poignant example sets the tone for the film's focus on the act of seeking rather than the validity of psychic abilities.

Wilson, known for her work on "After Tiller" and the Taylor Swift documentary "Miss Americana," takes an observational approach, avoiding sensationalism or supernatural embellishments. The film's strength lies in its portrayal of psychics as ordinary individuals, often struggling artists, living in modest New York apartments.


The documentary sheds light on the psychic services industry, which was valued at $2.2 billion in the United States in 2018. This significant market reflects a long-standing human fascination with the supernatural, dating back to ancient civilizations.

"Even if this is fake, it feels good and I need it."

A psychic in the film admits

This candid statement encapsulates the film's exploration of the human need for connection and understanding. The documentary draws parallels between psychics and documentarians, highlighting their shared qualities of curiosity, empathy, and perception.

"Look Into My Eyes" presents a balanced view, showing both successful readings that deeply move clients and instances where predictions fall flat. This approach allows viewers to form their own opinions about the practice of psychic readings.

The film touches on various aspects of psychic work, including clairvoyance, a term derived from French meaning "clear vision." It also indirectly addresses techniques like cold reading, where practitioners gather information through observation and inference.

While the documentary doesn't delve into the controversy surrounding psychic practices, it's worth noting that skeptics have long challenged supernatural claims. The James Randi Educational Foundation, established in 1996, has been at the forefront of investigating and debunking psychic claims.

Ultimately, "Look Into My Eyes" invites viewers to reflect on the power of human connection and the universal desire for guidance and understanding. The film's gentle pace and intimate portrayal of its subjects create a thought-provoking experience that lingers long after the credits roll.