Ultra Swimmer Attempts 80-Mile Lake Michigan Crossing Again

Jim Dreyer, 61, plans another attempt to swim across Lake Michigan from Grand Haven to Milwaukee. The 80-mile journey follows a failed GPS-related attempt last year.

September 2 2024, 04:14 PM  •  1103 views

Ultra Swimmer Attempts 80-Mile Lake Michigan Crossing Again

Jim Dreyer, a 61-year-old ultra swimmer, is set to embark on another ambitious attempt to cross Lake Michigan. The journey, spanning approximately 80 miles (128 kilometers) from Grand Haven, Michigan, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is expected to take 72 hours or more.

This latest endeavor comes just over a year after Dreyer's previous attempt in August 2023 was thwarted by GPS device issues. During that swim, he covered 60 miles (96 kilometers) before being forced to abandon the effort due to navigation problems and deteriorating weather conditions.

Lake Michigan, the third-largest of the five Great Lakes by surface area, presents numerous challenges for long-distance swimmers. With an average depth of 279 feet (85 meters) and a surface area of 22,404 square miles (58,030 square kilometers), the lake's vast expanse requires meticulous planning and navigation.


Dreyer, known as "The Shark," will be towing a small inflatable boat containing essential supplies. This strategy allows him to maintain his energy and focus throughout the grueling journey. The swimmer's progress can be monitored online, enabling supporters to follow his remarkable feat in real-time.

"Sorry for the last-minute notice, but chaos is often part of this open water swimming game."

Jim Dreyer on his upcoming attempt

Dreyer's connection to Lake Michigan runs deep. In 1998, he successfully crossed the lake from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, to Ludington, Michigan. However, since 2023, he has made three unsuccessful attempts to replicate this achievement, highlighting the unpredictable nature of such extreme endurance challenges.

The lake's conditions can vary dramatically, with water temperatures fluctuating from near freezing in winter to over 80°F (27°C) in summer. These temperature variations, combined with potential "seiche" events (wind-driven water level oscillations), add to the complexity of long-distance swims.

Dreyer's determination is evident in his choice of soundtrack for this attempt. He shared the 1987 power ballad "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake on social media, symbolizing his resilience and commitment to conquering Lake Michigan once more.

As Dreyer prepares for this monumental task, it's worth noting that Lake Michigan's shoreline stretches 1,640 miles (2,640 km), and its deepest point plunges to 925 feet (282 meters). These statistics underscore the magnitude of the challenge facing the intrepid swimmer.

The outcome of Dreyer's latest attempt remains to be seen, but his perseverance in the face of previous setbacks serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of ultra-endurance athletes. As he navigates the waters of Lake Michigan, Dreyer will not only battle physical fatigue but also the lake's rich history, which includes over 1,500 shipwrecks, reminding us of the respect this great body of water commands.