World Bank Launches Landmark $225M Amazon Reforestation Bond

World Bank issues groundbreaking $225 million bond linked to Amazon reforestation, marking its largest outcome bond. The initiative aims to support carbon removal and sustainable development globally.

August 13 2024, 07:39 PM  •  635 views

World Bank Launches Landmark $225M Amazon Reforestation Bond

In a significant move towards environmental conservation and sustainable finance, the World Bank has introduced a novel $225 million bond linked to reforestation efforts in the Amazon rainforest. This financial instrument, set to mature on July 31, 2033, represents a pioneering approach in the realm of green finance.

The bond's unique feature lies in its connection to carbon removal units generated from reforestation initiatives in Brazil's Amazon. This marks a departure from previous environmental bonds that typically focused on avoided emissions. The World Bank's innovative approach aligns with growing global efforts to combat climate change through active carbon sequestration.

A substantial portion of the funds, approximately $36 million, will support the activities of Mombak, a Brazilian company collaborating with local landowners to replant native tree species in the Amazon. This initiative is crucial, considering that Brazil houses about 60% of the Amazon rainforest, which produces approximately 20% of the world's oxygen and is home to roughly 10% of known global biodiversity.


In a parallel development, Microsoft Corporation has committed to purchasing the carbon removal units generated by this project. This aligns with Microsoft's pledge to become carbon negative by 2030, demonstrating corporate commitment to environmental sustainability.

The bond offers investors a guaranteed minimum annual return of about 1.745%, with potential returns of up to 4.362% based on project performance. This structure provides a safety net for investors while incentivizing positive environmental outcomes.

"As demonstrated by the historic level of participation in today's transaction, private investors are eager to connect their financial return to positive development outcomes in the Amazon region."

Jorge Familiar, Vice President and Treasurer at the World Bank

This issuance builds upon the World Bank's history of innovative financial instruments, dating back to its first green bond in 2008. The organization, established in 1944, has been at the forefront of using finance to drive sustainable development.

The Amazon reforestation bond addresses critical environmental concerns that have persisted since the 1970s. Reforestation efforts can sequester approximately 1-2 tons of CO2 per acre annually, contributing significantly to carbon removal goals. Moreover, these initiatives help restore habitats for the region's diverse flora and fauna, including the numerous indigenous Amerindian tribes that call the Amazon home.

As the largest outcome bond ever issued by the World Bank, this initiative reflects growing investor interest in financial instruments directly linked to measurable environmental impacts. It represents a crucial step in leveraging private capital for sustainable development, potentially paving the way for similar initiatives in the future.