Yemeni Houthis Claim Rocket Attack on Israel, Warn of Escalation

Houthi militants report launching rockets at Israeli military posts, threatening expanded operations. No confirmation from Israel as tensions rise in the region one year after Gaza conflict began.

October 2 2024, 10:20 AM  •  83 views

Yemeni Houthis Claim Rocket Attack on Israel, Warn of Escalation

Yahya Saree, spokesperson for Yemen's Houthi militants, announced on Wednesday that the group had targeted Israeli military installations with three 'Quds 5' rockets. This claim, however, has not been independently verified, as the Israeli military has not reported any rocket fire from Yemen on that day.

The Houthis, a Zaidi Shia Muslim movement that has controlled much of northern Yemen since 2014, have been launching missiles and drones at Israel for the past year. These attacks began following the outbreak of conflict in Gaza on October 7, 2023, which the group claims is an act of solidarity with Palestinians.

In a statement, the Houthis warned that continued support for Israel from the United States and the United Kingdom could put their interests "under fire." Saree added, "We will not hesitate in broadening our military operations against the Israeli enemy and who is behind it until the aggression against Gaza and Lebanon ends."


The Houthis, whose official name is Ansar Allah (meaning "Supporters of God"), have developed a significant missile and drone program over the years. They have previously launched attacks on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, demonstrating their expanding military capabilities.

"Death to America, Death to Israel"

Houthi Slogan

This recent claim of attack comes amidst ongoing tensions in the region. The Houthis, part of the self-proclaimed "Axis of Resistance" against Israel and the US, have been involved in Yemen's complex conflict since 2004. Their control of Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and much of the country's north has persisted despite international intervention.

The group's actions have had far-reaching consequences. Their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea have disrupted global trade, while their targeting of oil facilities in Saudi Arabia has impacted regional energy security. These activities have led some countries to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization.

As the situation unfolds, the international community remains concerned about the potential for escalation. The Houthis' relationship with Iran, their use of child soldiers, and accusations of human rights violations further complicate the geopolitical landscape.

While peace talks have occurred, conflicts persist. The Houthis' development of their own news agency and media outlets has allowed them to control their narrative in the ongoing struggle. As tensions continue to simmer one year after the Gaza conflict began, the potential for further regional destabilization remains a significant concern for global observers.