Zelenskyy Urges UN to Unite Behind Ukraine's Peace Plan

At the UN General Assembly, President Zelenskyy called for global unity in supporting Ukraine's peace formula, rejecting alternative proposals as attempts to avoid resolving the conflict.

September 25 2024, 02:40 PM  •  480 views

Zelenskyy Urges UN to Unite Behind Ukraine's Peace Plan

In a significant address to the United Nations General Assembly, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine appealed for global solidarity in backing his nation's approach to ending the conflict with Russia. The speech, delivered on September 20, 2023, came at a critical juncture, approximately 19 months into Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Zelenskyy emphasized the importance of adhering to Ukraine's "peace formula," a proposal he introduced in late 2022. This plan outlines several key points, including the complete withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory and accountability for war crimes. The Ukrainian leader cautioned against pursuing alternative peace initiatives, stating, "Any parallel or alternative attempts to seek peace are, in fact, efforts to achieve an out instead of an end to the war."

The UN General Assembly, established in 1945, serves as a forum for all 193 member states to address global issues. Ukraine, a founding member of the UN, has utilized this platform to garner international support since the onset of the conflict. The assembly's annual September meeting provided Zelenskyy with a crucial opportunity to reaffirm Ukraine's position on the world stage.


Zelenskyy's address came amid growing pressure from Western allies and some Ukrainian citizens to consider negotiations for a cease-fire. However, the president remained steadfast in his commitment to Ukraine's comprehensive peace plan, urging world leaders not to seek an easy way out of the conflict.

"Do not divide the world. Be united nations. And that will bring us peace."

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's appeal to the UN General Assembly

This statement underscores Zelenskyy's call for unity among nations in supporting Ukraine's cause. It also aligns with the UN's fundamental purpose of maintaining international peace and security, a responsibility primarily entrusted to the Security Council, of which Russia is a permanent member.

The UN has a long history of involvement in peace processes, having negotiated over 170 peace settlements and conducted more than 70 peacekeeping operations since 1948. However, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine presents unique challenges, given Russia's position within the UN structure.

As the conflict continues, the international community faces the task of balancing diplomatic efforts with the need for a just resolution. The UN's role in this process remains crucial, with its ability to adopt resolutions on global issues and potentially admit or expel members based on their adherence to the UN Charter.

The ongoing situation in Ukraine continues to test the effectiveness of international institutions in resolving conflicts. As the UN works towards its mission of global peace, with a budget of approximately $3.4 billion for 2024, the world watches closely to see how the organization will navigate the complex geopolitical landscape surrounding the Ukraine crisis.