
Trump's return might shake up airline industry's green fuel plans


Aviation sector worries about green fuel tax-credits future as Trump plans to cancel Bidenʼs climate law. Current sustainable fuel production could stay but new projects face uncertainty

The air-transport industry faces new head-winds as Donald Trumpʼs upcoming presidency might affect green fuel development. Airlines execs shared their thoughts at a London meet-up about possible changes to Bidenʼs climate program

The biggest worry comes from Marie Owens Thomsen (IATAʼs money expert) who points out risks to clean-fuel progress: “There are these big potential risks on what the Trump policy is actually going to be and how this really affects everybodyʼs motivation to pursue climate change“

Right now sustainable plane fuel makes up just 1% of all jet-fuel used worldwide - a number thats way too small for reaching zero-emissions by 2050. The industry needs quick growth in production but faces uncertain times ahead (especially with European rules starting in about 2 yrs)

Ronce Almond from American Airlines shared his view on whats needed: “The market needs certainty in terms of building up their reservoir“. The current US law gives tax-breaks for clean energy projects; however its future isnt clear since Trump wants to remove it

The current fuel-making places will likely keep working but new building plans might stop without govʼt help. Europe looks at US rules as good example for getting companies to make more green fuel: this system could break-down if Trump wins and Congress helps him cancel the law

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