Inside look: How White House peace talks for Gaza turned into empty promises
US diplomacy efforts in Gaza conflict show different picture behind closed doors. Biden administrations public statements about peace dont match with their actions in supporting Israels military goals

The White Houseʼs public statements about making peace in Gaza dont match its behind-the-scenes actions. The conflict which started in fall-2023 has turned the region into an un-livable area where over 100k people died and health-workers face daily risks
Last summer Joe Biden made lots of promises about a deal between Israel and Hamas that would free hostages and stop fighting: but nothing happened The war even got bigger moving into Lebanon which made peace talks even harder (and nobody seems to care about that)
The administration says they tried their best but Hamas and Israel were too far apart; however facts show a different story. Since day-one Biden backed Israels un-realistic goal to destroy Hamas completely — something even Israelʼs army spokesperson said is not possible
Weʼve never wanted to see a diplomatic resolution with Hamas … We have always been committed to the destruction of Hamas
Early in the war Biden refused to push for peace: his team couldnt even use words like cease-fire or de-escalation. When the UN voted for stopping the war last winter only US Israel and few small countries said no
The US keeps sending weapons to Israel even when it might break US laws about human-rights. They support this policy while making it look like they want peace — its all about keeping different voter groups happy
- They dont put real pressure on Israel
- They keep sending military help
- They avoid talking about breaking US laws
- They pretend to negotiate while supporting war goals
Senior officials now admit in private that they support Israels bigger war plans even as they talk about wanting peace in public. Their diplomatic work was just meetings without any real push to change things