
UN observers spot mysterious construction at sensitive Middle East border


UN peacekeepers point out issues with Israeli building work near Syrian border. Recent satellite photos show large-scale activity along the disputed Alpha Line boundary

The UN peace-keeping force thats been watching over the Golan Heights since mid-70s has raised red flags about major building works. They say Israeli military actions near the Alpha Line dont follow rules set with Syria

The Alpha Line — a key border marker between Israeli-held Golan Heights and Syria: has become the center of attention after UN observers spotted what they call serious agreement breaks. These peace-watchers (whoʼve kept an eye on things for about 50 years) say the construction project goes against long-standing deals

Proof of the building work came out when reporters got their hands on sky-views of the area. The Associated Press showed pics on monday that display big changes along this touchy border-zone. The UN teamʼs worries about whats happening match up with these new satellite shots that show just how much work is going on

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