Belarus Intensifies Crackdown on LGBTQ+ Community Amid Broader Repression

At least 20 LGBTQ+ individuals in Belarus face police questioning and potential abuse. New law classifies depictions of homosexual life as pornography, reflecting broader political repression in the country.

September 27 2024, 01:44 PM  •  531 views

Belarus Intensifies Crackdown on LGBTQ+ Community Amid Broader Repression

In a concerning development, Belarus has intensified its crackdown on the LGBTQ+ community, with reports of at least 20 individuals subjected to police questioning and potential mistreatment. This action occurs against the backdrop of a new law passed in 2024, which classifies depictions of homosexual life as pornography, punishable by up to four years in prison.

The eastern European nation, which gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, has a population of approximately 9.4 million people and is known for its state-controlled economy and membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. Despite decriminalizing homosexuality in 1994, societal animosity towards sexual minorities remains high in Belarus.

Alisa Sarmant, coordinator of the TG House Belarus transgender rights group, reported that the recent police actions resembled attacks rather than arrests. These incidents occurred in various locations, including universities, cafes, homes, and public transport stops. The authorities have charged two individuals with distributing pornography and eight with hooliganism.


Pavel Sapelka, a spokesperson for the Viasna human rights group, highlighted the arrest of a transgender person from Russia in September 2024. This incident underscores the growing alignment between Belarus and Russia in their approach to LGBTQ+ rights. Russia, which maintains close ties with Belarus and stations troops and tactical nuclear weapons in the country, has recently banned what it terms the "international LGBTQ+ movement" as extremist.

"The wave of repression has reached this vulnerable category of citizens. ... Society in Belarus is being pumped up with hatred toward these people."

Human rights activist statement

This crackdown on the LGBTQ+ community is part of a broader pattern of repression in Belarus following disputed election results in 2020. The country has faced international sanctions due to human rights concerns, and its lack of press freedom and civil liberties has drawn criticism from the global community.

Belarus, a landlocked country bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, boasts a rich cultural heritage and nearly 100% literacy rate. However, its political landscape has been marred by authoritarianism and restrictions on civil liberties. The country's universal healthcare system and strong Olympic sports tradition contrast sharply with its human rights record.

As Belarus continues to align itself with Russia's stance on LGBTQ+ issues, the international community watches with concern. The situation highlights the ongoing challenges faced by sexual minorities in the region and the broader implications for human rights and democratic freedoms in Belarus.