Brazil's Military Exercise Unites Chinese and U.S. Troops for First Time

Brazil's annual Operation Formosa will feature Chinese troops alongside U.S. forces for the first time. The three-day exercise, starting September 13, 2024, showcases international military cooperation.

September 10 2024, 04:00 PM  •  803 views

Brazil's Military Exercise Unites Chinese and U.S. Troops for First Time

In a significant development for international military cooperation, Brazil is set to host Chinese troops alongside U.S. forces in its annual Operation Formosa exercises. This marks the first time Chinese military personnel will actively participate in the event, scheduled to commence on September 13, 2024.

The Brazilian Navy, coordinator of the operation, announced this unprecedented collaboration. Last year, China sent observers, but this time, their troops will be on the ground, training with their Brazilian and American counterparts. The exact number of Chinese and U.S. participants has not been disclosed.

Operation Formosa 2024 will involve 3,000 Brazilian troops engaging in a three-day intensive training program. The exercises will utilize a wide array of military equipment, including aircraft, tanks, armored and amphibious vehicles, artillery, and missile and rocket launchers. Live ammunition will be used during the drills.


The exercises will take place near the town of Formosa, situated 80 kilometers northeast of Brasilia, Brazil's capital. Formosa, founded in 1843, provides an ideal setting for these large-scale military maneuvers.

This event highlights Brazil's growing role in international military affairs. As the largest country in South America and home to the region's most substantial armed forces, Brazil has been actively expanding its global military partnerships. The nation boasts the world's 9th largest defense budget and has been focusing on modernizing its military capabilities.

The participation of both Chinese and U.S. troops is particularly noteworthy given the current geopolitical landscape. China, with the world's largest active-duty military, and the United States, boasting the largest military budget globally, have experienced tensions in their military relations in recent years. Their joint presence at Operation Formosa 2024 could potentially signal a shift towards more cooperative international military engagements.

In addition to the active participants, military observers from eight countries, including Argentina, France, Italy, Pakistan, and South Africa, will attend the exercises. This diverse international presence underscores the growing importance of multilateral military cooperation and knowledge exchange.

Brazil's initiative to bring together troops from two global superpowers demonstrates its commitment to fostering international military collaboration. As a member of the BRICS group alongside China, and with a long history of military cooperation with the United States, Brazil is uniquely positioned to facilitate such interactions.

The Brazilian Navy, the oldest branch of the country's armed forces, emphasized that Operation Formosa also includes workshops for invited military personnel to exchange experiences. This aspect of the exercise further reinforces the event's role in promoting international military dialogue and cooperation.

As Operation Formosa 2024 approaches, it stands as a testament to Brazil's evolving role on the global military stage and its ability to bring together diverse international partners for collaborative training exercises.