Elderly Thai Woman Survives Two-Hour Python Ordeal in Kitchen

A 64-year-old woman near Bangkok endured a harrowing two-hour struggle with a massive python in her kitchen. The incident highlights the rare but potential dangers of snake encounters in Thailand.

September 19 2024, 10:39 AM  •  164 views

Elderly Thai Woman Survives Two-Hour Python Ordeal in Kitchen

In a startling incident near Bangkok, a 64-year-old woman found herself in a life-threatening situation when a massive python attacked her in her own kitchen. The event, which occurred on Tuesday night (2024-09-17), serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers posed by wildlife in urban areas.

Arom Arunroj was preparing to wash her dishes when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her thigh. To her horror, she discovered a python, estimated to be between 4 to 5 meters long, had latched onto her leg. The snake, displaying its incredible strength, quickly coiled itself around her torso, forcing her to the kitchen floor.

"I was about to scoop some water and when I sat down it bit me immediately. When I looked I saw the snake wrapping around me."

[[Arom Arunroj's account of the attack]]

Despite her efforts to free herself, Arom found herself trapped for approximately 1.5 hours before a passing neighbor heard her cries for help and alerted authorities. Police officer Anusorn Wongmalee described finding the woman in a state of exhaustion, still ensnared by the python.


The rescue operation involved police and animal control officers using a crowbar to strike the snake's head, eventually forcing it to release its grip. Arom was immediately treated for multiple bites but appeared to have escaped without severe injuries.

This incident highlights the rare but potential dangers of encounters with reticulated pythons, the largest snake species found in Thailand. These impressive creatures can grow up to 6.5 meters in length and weigh as much as 75 kilograms. While attacks on humans are uncommon, they are not unheard of, particularly involving larger specimens.

Reticulated pythons, known for their incredible strength and hunting prowess, are ambush predators. They use heat-sensing pits to locate warm-blooded prey and can swallow animals up to 25% of their own body mass. These non-venomous constrictors kill by gradually squeezing the breath out of their victims.

In Thailand, snake encounters are not unusual. Government statistics reveal that in 2023, 26 people lost their lives to venomous snake bites, with a total of 12,000 individuals requiring treatment for bites from various venomous creatures. However, it's important to note that pythons, while potentially dangerous, are non-venomous.

These remarkable reptiles play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations in their native habitats. They are excellent swimmers, capable of staying submerged for up to 30 minutes, and skilled climbers often found in trees. While they have poor eyesight, their sense of smell is highly developed, aided by their forked tongues that detect scents.

As urban areas continue to expand into natural habitats, incidents like Arom's serve as a reminder of the importance of wildlife awareness and the need for coexistence strategies between humans and native species.