Ukrainian Fashion Week Returns: War Veterans Walk the Runway

Ukrainian Fashion Week resumes after a two-year hiatus, featuring war veterans with prosthetic limbs as models. The event showcases resilience and adaptability amidst ongoing conflict.

September 3 2024, 06:00 PM  •  953 views

Ukrainian Fashion Week Returns: War Veterans Walk the Runway

In a powerful display of resilience and adaptability, Ukrainian Fashion Week has made its comeback after a two-and-a-half-year hiatus due to the ongoing conflict. The event, which took place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, in Kyiv, featured an unprecedented lineup of models - war veterans with prosthetic limbs walking the runway.

Andreas Moskin and Andriy Bilous, prominent Ukrainian designers, dressed the veterans for this headline event. Bilous expressed the intention behind this bold choice: "We aimed to demonstrate that Ukrainian fashion is evolving to accommodate individuals with amputations who have survived the war. Our message is clear - people are unbreakable, and those without limbs can still be stylish."

The fashion show, however, unfolded against a backdrop of grim reality. As attendees applauded the models, news broke of a Russian missile strike on a military training facility and nearby hospital in Poltava, approximately 350 kilometers southeast of Kyiv, resulting in numerous casualties.

This juxtaposition of fashion and conflict underscores the complex reality of life in Ukraine. The event space itself reflected this duality, featuring portraits of service members in uniform from the fashion industry and a central display of military uniforms.

One particularly poignant piece in the exhibition was a black jacket created by designer Maria Starchak. The jacket bore an embroidered design of the Mariupol drama theater, a site of immense tragedy during a 2022 Russian airstrike that claimed numerous civilian lives.


Iryna Danylevska, co-founder and CEO of Ukrainian Fashion Week, emphasized the event's dual purpose: supporting the local industry and maintaining global attention on Ukraine. "We're striving to keep Ukraine's voice heard consistently worldwide," she stated. "If people are fatigued by political rhetoric or images of destruction, this new information carries a fresh message."

Ukrainian Fashion Week, founded in 1997, has long been a platform for showcasing the country's rich fashion heritage, including traditional embroidery known as vyshyvanka. The current event marks a significant milestone, being the first held in Kyiv since February 2022.

The inclusion of war veterans as models aligns with a growing global trend of using fashion shows as platforms for social statements and promoting inclusivity. This approach not only highlights the resilience of Ukrainians but also draws attention to the ongoing humanitarian impact of the conflict.

As Ukraine's fashion industry adapts to the realities of war, many brands have incorporated military-inspired elements and patriotic themes into their designs. This evolution reflects the industry's role in expressing national identity and resilience during challenging times.

"We are showing that people are unbreakable — without limbs, they can be stylish. They need to be loved, respected, and perceived as an integral part of society."

Andriy Bilous, Ukrainian designer

The return of Ukrainian Fashion Week to Kyiv, after years of showcasing in European cities like London, Berlin, and Vienna, signifies a step towards normalcy. However, the event's unique features - from veteran models to war-themed designs - serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing conflict and its profound impact on all aspects of Ukrainian life.