UN Warns of Expanding Islamic State Influence Across Africa

UN official alerts Security Council about IS affiliates' growing control in Africa. Unrelated Vienna plot and ISIS-K improvements in Afghanistan highlight global IS-inspired activities.

August 8 2024, 04:17 PM  •  1439 views

UN Warns of Expanding Islamic State Influence Across Africa

A senior United Nations counterterrorism official has raised concerns about the expanding influence of Islamic State (IS) affiliates across Africa. Vladimir Voronkov, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Counterterrorism, presented these findings to the Security Council in a recent report.

Voronkov warned that IS-affiliated groups have been consolidating their operations in West Africa and the Sahel region. This semi-arid area, stretching from Senegal to Sudan, has been increasingly destabilized by jihadist groups since 2012. The official cautioned that if this trend continues, a vast territory from Mali to northern Nigeria could potentially fall under the effective control of these groups.

The report highlighted the expansion of IS-affiliated activities in other African nations as well. Mozambique, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have experienced a significant uptick in terrorist attacks, resulting in numerous civilian casualties. It's worth noting that Mozambique has been grappling with an Islamist insurgency since 2017, while Somalia has lacked an effective central government since 1991.


In Afghanistan, the local IS affiliate known as ISIS-K has reportedly enhanced its financial and logistical capabilities over the past six months. This group, formed in 2015, has also intensified its recruitment efforts. The Islamic State, founded in 1999 and gaining global prominence in 2014, has demonstrated its global reach by claiming responsibility for ISIS-K attacks and increasing operations in Iraq and Syria.

Separately, Austrian authorities reported an alleged plot to attack Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. While officials stated there was no known connection between this plot and IS or its affiliates worldwide, they noted that the suspects appeared to be inspired by both the Islamic State and al-Qaida ideologies. This incident, though unrelated to the African situation, underscores the persistent influence of extremist ideologies globally.

The UN Security Council, comprising 15 members including 5 permanent ones, received this comprehensive update as part of its ongoing efforts to combat global terrorism. The UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, established in 2017 and led by Voronkov since its inception, continues to play a crucial role in coordinating international counterterrorism efforts.

As the situation evolves, the international community faces the challenge of addressing the expanding influence of IS affiliates, particularly in Africa's most populous country, Nigeria, and across the continent's second-largest nation by area, the Democratic Republic of Congo. The UN's warnings serve as a reminder of the ongoing global threat posed by extremist groups, even years after the territorial defeat of the IS caliphate in 2019.

"A vast territory stretching from Mali to northern Nigeria could fall under their effective control"

UN Under-Secretary-General for Counterterrorism Vladimir Voronkov stated

This sobering assessment highlights the urgent need for coordinated international action to prevent further expansion of extremist influence in Africa and beyond.