
Maldives pulls diplomat from Pakistan after unexpected Taliban meeting


Pakistan confirms Maldives recalled its ambassador due to non-approved meeting with Taliban representative in Islamabad. The move shows complex diplomacy issues with Afghanistans current leadership

Pakistani officials have confirmed that the Maldives pulled-back its ambassador after an un-sanctioned diplomatic encounter in Islamabad

The Maldives envoy met with Taliban Foreign Minister without getting proper clearance from his government: this led to immediate recall action. The island nation — like most countries worldwide — doesnt recognize the Taliban administration that took control about 3 years ago

The Taliban government remains cut-off from global recognition (their strict policies affecting women and girls in education and work have made international ties difficult). After US and NATO forces left Afghanistan the group quickly established control; putting in place wide-ranging social restrictions

  • No girls in schools above primary level
  • Limited work options for women
  • Strict dress codes
  • Travel limitations without male guardian

The diplomatic mis-step highlights the complex nature of regional relations with Kabulʼs current leadership — Pakistani authorities maintain some contact with Taliban officials while most nations keep their distance

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