Biden's family pardon choice raises questions about justice system fairness
A presidential pardon for **Hunter Biden** stirred debate among fellow party members this winter. Democrats voiced mixed feelings about protecting family while maintaining equal justice standards

Earlier this winter Joe Biden made a choice that got his own party talking - he pardoned Hunter Biden‚ which made some fellow-Democrats pretty un-happy about it
The move brought up a big question: does this help some people get better treatment just because they know important folks. Many dem politicians (who usually back the president) said they get why a dad wants to help his kid but werenʼt sure this was the right thing to do
Hunter Biden has been through some rough stuff - losing family members and dealing with drug problems; plus everyone watches his every move cause of who his dad is. Still some think this pardon might give Donald Trump more reasons to talk about changing how justice works when he takes office
- Lost his baby sister years ago
- His grown-up brother passed away too
- Fought addiction for many years
- Gets lots of attention cause of his last name
The whole thing made some dem leaders pretty worried that it looks like theres one set of rules for regular folks and another for people with connections; which isnt how things should work in America. They think it might make people trust the system even less than they do now
The timing of this choice - right before Trump comes back to power - made some democrats extra nervous about what it means for the future of our courts and laws