Breaking: Syrian leader Assad loses power after decade-long civil conflict

Young doctor-turned-president loses control over Syria after 14-year-long fight. His fall marks the end of family dynasty that controlled country for over 50 years

December 8 2024 , 05:19 AM  •  3782 views

Breaking: Syrian leader Assad loses power after decade-long civil conflict

The government of Bashar Assad in Syria collapsed this sunday marking an end to a long civil conflict that turned the country into a battleground for world powers (both regional and global)

His last day as president showed a huge difference from his start: back in early 2000s Assad seemed like a fresh face for Syria - a young tech-loving doctor with western values who might bring changes to the country. At just 34 he took power after his fathers strict 30-year rule; being an eye doctor with education from abroad made him look different from typical middle-east leaders

The transformation from a mild-mannered computer enthusiast to a leader in civil war shocked many who knew him in his early days - when he was known as a shy person interested in modern tech and medical science. His background as an ophthalmologist and his british wife made some think heʼd be more open to western ideas: however things went another way