Bus system shutdown leaves thousands stuck in North Macedonia's capital
Public transport in Skopje came to near-complete stop due to fuel shortage issues. The breakdown affected more than 600000 city residents causing major problems for hospitals students and workers

In a city-wide transport breakdown‚ Skopjes public bus system almost completely stopped working yesterday evening — leaving hundreds of thousands of residents without their main way to move around the city. The local transport companyʼs debt problems made it impossible to buy fuel which caused this mess.
The capital of North Macedonia (home to about 1/3rd of the countrys 1.8mil people) faced a real-life nightmare when most of its bus-routes stopped working. Only a few lines kept going which wasnt enough for the citys needs; many hospitals reported big problems with getting patients to appointments.
Students and office-workers had no way to reach their destinations — the shut-down hit every part of daily life in the busy metropolitan area. The public-transport system usually moves thousands of people around but now the streets were weirdly empty (except for private cars and taxis that tried to help with the situation)