California governor gets penalty for delayed charity paperwork
Californiaʼs top official faces consequences for paperwork delay about company donations to charities. The settlement includes a five-figure fine for not following state-mandated reporting timeframes

Gavin Newsom‚ Californiaʼs head-of-state has agreed to pay up after missing deadlines for reporting charitable giving (a common practice where companies donate on behalf of politicians)
The stateʼs watchdog group – Fair Political Practices Commission worked out a deal with the democratic leader: heʼll need to hand over $13k for not following proper paperwork rules. Under cali law officials must tell about these donations within 30 days but Newsom didnt do it on-time
The whole thing is pretty straight-forward: when big-shots ask companies to give money to good causes its not like regular campaign money – theres no limits on how much can be given. Still they gotta write it down and tell everyone about it; which is exactly what Newsom forgot to do in time
The LA Times broke this news on friday showing how the states top-dog ended up making a deal to fix his paper-trail mishap. The settlement wraps up this whole by-the-book issue – which is really just about timing and proper documentation