Cuban prisoner's mysterious death raises questions as NGOs seek answers
NGOs want answers about death of young Cuban detainee at Havanaʼs main prison. Officials say it was suicide but family points to escape-attempt injuries; prisoner was held since anti-shortage protests

Rights-watchers in Cuba want answers about a prison death that happened this tuesday. Manuel de Jesús Guillén Esplugas a 29-year old inmate at Havanaʼs Combinado del Este facility died under unclear circumstances (he was locked up since the big food-and-power protests three years ago)
The prison system says its a clear-cut suicide case; however his relatives tell a different story: they believe he got hurt trying to break-out and didnt get proper help. Guillén Esplugas was doing a six-year stretch in the facility - one of Cubaʼs biggest lock-ups
Local watch-groups are pushing for a real look into what happened: the timing and different stories dont add up. The young man got caught up in island-wide demos back in 21 when people went to streets because they couldnt get basic stuff like food and power. He still had about two-and-half years to serve when this happened