Cuba's power system struggles: From total blackout to partial recovery
Cubaʼs electrical system got back online after nation-wide blackout but works at less than half-power. Capital city Havana recovered while rest of country deals with limited electricity supply

Lazaro Guerra from Cubas energy ministry reported that their national power-grid got back up running but with major set-backs. The system now generates just 1450 mega-watts which is way under the normal 3200 MW need; this shows how deep the power crisis goes
The capital city seems to be doing better — all its circuits are working and the medical facilities got their power back. However the rest of the country still faces big problems (with many areas getting just a few hours of electricity each day)
The power system has many issues that make it hard to work right:
- Half of the power-plants dont work at all
- Most equipment is super-old and breaks often
- Fuel supplies are getting smaller
- Fix-up work costs too much money
The whole power system has been shaky for about a year. Its making daily life really hard — people cant count on having power which affects everything from keeping food fresh to running water systems. Because of these problems and other basic needs not being met many people have left the island since early 2020s
The government points to the US trade rules as the main reason they cant fix things: it makes it hard to buy new parts and get fuel. But the real picture shows that the system needs big changes — from getting new equipment to making better ways to get power to peoples homes