Cyprus turns to sea water as drought empties island's dams
Mediterranean island faces serious water shortage with dams at quarter capacity after dry winters. Government plans quick solution with new desalination facilities starting next fall

Cyprus water problems are getting worse - its 108 dams have only quarter of their normal water due to several dry winters. The situation needs quick fix from officials
Maria Panayiotou‚ the islands agriculture and environment minister announced a fast-track plan to deal with water shortages: government will set-up new water-making facilities that turn sea-water into drinking water (these special plants help many dry regions around the world)
The governmentʼs solution includes four mobile desalination units that will start working in fall-2024; each unit can make about 30‚000 cubic-meters of fresh water per-day. These new units - placed in key spots around the island - will help meet growing water needs of both locals and tourists