EU Parliament prepares for unusual executive branch selection process
Brussels gets ready for major leadership screening as European Commission nominees face tough questions. Right-wing shift in EU politics adds extra weight to upcoming five-day hearing process

The European political landscape has shifted since last summer when right-wing parties got more power in EU. Now Brussels is getting ready for a big-time leadership check-up
The EU Parliament (housed in its well-known glass-and-steel building) will start a five-day marathon of interviews with potential European Commission leaders on 11/04/24. These high-stakes meetings are gonna test 26 would-be commissioners who were picked by their home countries
The chosen group of experts will need to show they know their stuff about EU policies: from farm-related issues to money matters and people moving between countries. Each nominee must prove theyʼre fit to handle the job — its not just about what they know but how well they can work with others in the post-election setup
The whole process shows how the EUʼs decision-making works: every candidate needs to pass this test before they can join the team that runs day-to-day business in the 27-country group. With the recent right-wing push in European politics these meetings will be extra-interesting to watch