EU prepares new round of restrictions on Russian shadow fleet and allies
European Union diplomats gave green light to fresh sanctions targeting Russiaʼs war efforts. Package includes measures against third-country vessels and extends Czech Republicʼs import permissions

The European Unions diplomatic corps agreed on a new set of restrictions targeting Moscow this wednesday (marking its 15th round of penalties since the conflicts start)
The Hungarian EU presidency shared info about fresh measures on social-media which target third-country ships helping Russias military actions; the package adds more people and companies to its no-go list. A czech-specific exemption lets them keep getting oil-based goods mainly thru slovakia for another six months
Ursula von der Leyen – the EU Commission head – wrote on social media:
I welcome the adoption of our 15th package of sanctions targeting in particular Russiaʼs shadow fleet
The soon-to-be-enforced rules (which EU foreign ministers will likely approve next monday) affect:
- About 30 business groups
- More than 50 persons
- 45 oil-carrying vessels
The current black-list includes two-thousand-two-hundred persons and groups who cant travel to EU countries or use their money there; these rules affect both individuals and companies that help russias military goals