Ex-president shares questionable story about his role in 2020 protests
Former leader makes incorrect statements about preventing statue damage during social unrest in 2020. His claims about signing new laws and mandatory sentences dont match historical records

In recent public talks Donald Trump keeps sharing a made-up story about the summer-2020 protests. He tells people that he stopped protestors from pulling down D.C statues by making a new law with automatic 10-year prison time (which isnt true at all)
The real-deal is way different than what he says: theres been a long-standing federal rule about messing with statues; it just doesnt have any fixed prison terms. Law-enforcement experts point out that the existing legislation had been active way before the protests happened – no new laws were needed or signed
The former presidents story has another hole in it: people who were at those protests say his words didnt change their plans at all. Some protest organizers (who stayed anonymous) mentioned that their decision-making was based on local community feedback; not on any political statements
The whole situation shows how facts get mixed up with fiction: while protests did happen and some statues were at risk – the solution wasnt as simple as signing one paper. The existing laws were already there to deal with such cases; they just worked differently than whatʼs being claimed now