Federal prison system gets major mental health care upgrade, DOJ says
Department of Justice starts big changes in federal prisons to fix mental health problems. New rules will help inmates get better care and stop deaths in both prisons and marshal facilities

The Department of Justice made a big-time move to fix its prison system — especially focusing on mental-health issues that have been causing problems. Lisa Monaco‚ the Deputy Attorney General released some new info about this on a tuesday
The main changes include better ways to spot mental-health problems‚ new-and-improved suicide watch rules‚ and smart data tracking to stop bad things from happening (which is something they really needed). These fixes arent just for regular prisons; they affect U.S Marshals places too
The whole point of this shake-up is to make the system work better: prison staff will get fresh training on how to help inmates whoʼre having trouble‚ and theres going to be more attention paid to checking on peoples mental state. The DOJ is using what they learned from past problems to make things safer — its like theyʼre hitting the reset button on how they handle inmate care
We must take immediate action to address these critical issues and implement comprehensive reforms
These changes show how the feds are trying to fix things up in their lock-ups; theyre putting in place better ways to keep track of inmates mental health and making sure everyone knows what theyre supposed to do when someone needs help