Former German leader shares untold stories about Putin and Trump in new book
Ex-Chancellor **Angela Merkel** opens up about her 16-year leadership in just-released memoirs. The book gives first-hand details about meetings with world leaders and major crisis management during her time

Angela Merkelʼs long-awaited book hit the shelves last fall (its a straight-forward look at her time as German leader). The ex-Chancellor who stepped down about 3 years ago shares her take on meetings with world-powers and big events that shaped her 16-year run
In her no-nonsense writing style Merkel describes Putinʼs well-known power-plays during their meet-ups; while giving an eye-opening side-by-side look at her work with US presidents Obama and Trump. The former leader also wondered if she couldve done something different about Britain leaving the EU
Looking back at her time in office‚ Merkel tackles the major shake-ups she faced — from money troubles that hit both worldwide and Euro-zone markets to the mid-2010s refugee situation and covid outbreak. Her book named “Freedom“ gives a matter-of-fact view of these events; while adding some dry-humored comments here and there
The memoir starts with Merkelʼs early-days growing up behind the Iron Curtain (which helped shape her world-view) and follows her path into German politics. The 70-year old leader keeps her well-known down-to-earth approach when talking about the big choices she made during her time running Europeʼs biggest economy