French leadership crisis: Top official steps down after shocking parliament vote
French government falls into disarray after parliament removes PM from office through no-trust vote. Political shake-up leaves country without leadership as crucial budget deadline gets closer

The French political scene is dealing with a big shake-up as Prime Minister Michel Barnier plans to step down from his post; the announcement comes after parliament voted against his cabinet (which happened just days ago)
Emmanuel Macronʼs pick for the top-job didnt last long — the experienced public-servant who managed EU-UK talks after Brexit got the position in early-fall. His short-lived leadership ended when law-makers decided they dont trust his work: giving France an un-expected political crisis
The timing creates extra problems for the country because important budget-related decisions need approval before Jan 1st. With no working government in place — and Barnier meeting Macron at his official home this morning to discuss next steps — the nation faces a tricky situation: getting new leadership team up-and-running fast enough to handle money matters