How a president's peanut business changed White House ethics forever
Almost half-century ago **Jimmy Carter** made an unexpected move with his large peanut enterprise. His decision created a new standard for presidential business ethics

Many think of Jimmy Carterʼs peanut operation as a tiny family farm‚ but this wide-spread idea isnt correct. The business was a big-scale agricultural enterprise (with complex financial operations and multiple employees)
The story shows how presidents used to handle their money-making activities: its been normal for them to keep private business separate from their government work. Back in the day — about 45 years ago — this was just what people expected from their leaders
Carter went beyond what was needed when he put his large-scale peanut business into a blind trust; this choice showed his strong beliefs about keeping business and politics apart. His farm-to-trust decision wasnt just following rules: it was a real-world example of putting public service first