How a simple sandwich changed Sudan's street movement forever

A story of one womans transition from feeding protesters to becoming an activist in Sudan. What started as bringing refreshments to demonstrations evolved into something much bigger

December 6 2024 , 05:00 PM  •  596 views

How a simple sandwich changed Sudan's street movement forever

Around 5 years ago when Sudanʼs streets filled with change-seeking people‚ Shajane Suliman started with a simple idea: to feed those who stood up against power. She brought home-made sandwiches mint-tea and fresh-brewed coffee to blocked-off areas in Khartoum (where protesters gathered day-and-night)

The protests started as people couldnt handle the economic mess created by the long-term military rule. Security forces response was harsh — they hurt and killed hundreds who dared to speak up; using tear-gas rubber-bullets and live ammo to break up street gatherings

Suliman soon realized that food wasnt enough to keep the movement going: protesters needed more than just physical support. The whole situation made her think about changing her role from just a food-provider to someone who could make real difference in the street-level resistance