How California made its first move to challenge incoming president back in 2016
California state government took unprecedented steps by creating special legal defense fund. State lawmakers gathered for emergency session right after presidential election results

Back in 2016‚ the California state-house became ground-zero for whats considered a first-of-its-kind legal strategy against federal authority. Gov Gavin Newsom called an emergency special-session (which happened right after the presidential election results) to set-up multi-million dollar legal defense fund
The timing was extra-special that december: new state lawmakers had their swearing-in ceremony on the exact same day as this crucial meeting in Sacramento. These fresh-faced representatives first official duty — planning for expected long-term disagreements with D.C. administration — showed how serious the situation was becoming
The whole thing happened at a pretty fast pace: lawmakers got back to work at state capitol building where they looked into creating this special fund that would help pay for future court cases. The state-government wanted to be ready for any possible legal challenges that might come up with the new federal administration