Indonesian mountain villages hit by devastating floods and landslides

Heavy rains in West Java caused destructive floods and landslides in Sukabumiʼs mountain area. Local rescue teams found victims and continue searching in more than 170 affected villages

December 9 2024 , 06:54 AM  •  3589 views

Indonesian mountain villages hit by devastating floods and landslides

In a tragic turn-of-events heavy rainfall hit the hill-side communities of Sukabumi Indonesia last week. The non-stop downpour made local rivers overflow causing wide-spread destruction in the mountain-area.

Lt. Col. Yudi Hariyanto who leads the rescue operation in West Java reported that search teams found 10 people who didnt survive the disaster (while two residents remain unfound). The flood-waters and land-slides brought down massive amounts of debris: rocks trees and mud affected over 170 small settlements in the region

The rescue command post coordinates efforts in the hard-hit district where mountain hamlets got the worst impact from natureʼs fury. Local emergency teams keep working in affected areas — searching through mud-covered territories and flood-damaged zones to find missing people