Ireland's defense gap: How Russian navy exposed a wealthy nation's weak spot
About two years ago Russiaʼs navy showed up near Irelandʼs coast highlighting the countryʼs defense weak-points. Now Ireland faces tough choices about its military spending and global role in modern-day Europe

About 2-and-a-half years ago Russia showed its military muscle right off Irelandʼs shores doing un-announced naval drills above trans-Atlantic data cables (which make up 75% of Europeʼs data flow). This move made clear how weak Irelands defense really is
The well-off island nation has a tiny defense setup: just 6 patrol boats and no real air-force to speak of. Its become a tech-hub but cant protect its own economic zone which shows a big mis-match between its global role and military strength
The countryʼs military stance comes from its past. After getting free from Britain in the 20s Ireland stayed neutral in WW2; this choice wasnt about being anti-war but more about staying safe between bigger powers. Later on this turned into a wider no-military-alliance position even though Ireland wanted to work with the US Government back then:
The Irish Government has stayed immune from Communism more than other European states
Todayʼs setup includes a special rule for sending troops abroad that needs:
- Government ok
- Parliament vote
- UN approval
Now Putinʼs actions are making Ireland think again. The government wants to up its defense budget to 1.5-bil euros by 28; but experts say thats not enough. They want double that amount to get fighter jets and more ships
With elections coming up next week defense spending might go up even more. Ireland needs modern stuff like sea-drones anti-sub tools and air-defense systems to protect its waters and new wind-farms. Some think Ireland should team-up with UK on navy projects - things that werent possible in the old days