Kashmir lawmakers push back: Regional assembly wants its powers back
Kashmirʼs regional assembly made a bold move with non-binding vote about regionʼs status. Local representatives want Modiʼs government to discuss bringing back special rights from pre-2019 era

In a noisy assembly session this wednesday‚ Kashmirʼs regional legislature took a stand against the central governments decisions from 5 years ago. The regions representatives passed a non-binding resolution asking for their semi-autonomous rights back
The vote (which happened during heated discussions) focuses on status changes made when Narendra Modiʼs administration changed Kashmirʼs position in the Indian union. The assembly wants delhi to start talks with local elected officials about bringing back special privileges that were taken away in mid-2019; this includes discussing the regions previous semi-independent position
The resolution got majority support despite some chaos in the house – showing how local politicians dont agree with central control. The kashmir assemblyʼs move points to growing differences between regional needs and national policies: many local leaders think its time to re-think the current setup